Who Are We?
Family Life Catholic Gifts is one of many fundraising efforts of Family Life International NZ.
Our apostolate aims to build a culture of life in New Zealand by educating on all the life issues from conception through to natural death, and by walking our talk by providing assistance to all women and girls facing a crisis pregnancy. We do all this while staying completely faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church. All the proceeds from our sales go directly to our life-saving pro-life/pro-family work.
As we are made in the image and likeness of God, we seek also to nurture the spiritual side of LIFE by making available to our customers/friends a wide variety of Catholic items – material for Spiritual reading, Bibles, Encyclicals, Rosaries, Crucifixes and specialty gifts for Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Just as the body requires nourishment through the normal material means, so similarly it is imperative that the Soul is fed through the teachings of Jesus and His Church.
Who Is the Team? Sandra assists Brendan who is the manager of Family Life Catholic Gifts, and works under the directorship of Colleen Bayer (the Director of Family Life International).
It is the hope of all of us here at Family Life Catholic Gifts, that many people will grow closer to God through their association with this organisation and the purchases they make.