Discover what God has done…Imagine what He can do
True stories from the Movement that is changing hearts and saving lives…one prayer at a time.
In the midst of this global crisis of Abortion, there is new hope.
Beginning with one hour of prayer in Texas in 2004, the groundbreaking 40 Days for Life movement of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigils, and community outreach has mobilized more than half a million volunteers in 481 cities around the world. Nearly 7,000 babies have been spared from abortion. 75 abortion workers have had a change of heart and quit their jobs. 25 abortion centers have closed. And every baby, every changed heart, every closure is an amazing story. This book contains forty of those stories: Hearts changed on the most controversial issue in our culture Babies and mothers spared from abortion at the last possible second Shocking secrets from inside the abortion industry revealed Abortion workers experiencing a change of heart and quitting their jobs Thriving abortion facilities shutting down for good There have been 11 coordinated 40 Days for Life campaigns since 2007.
These efforts have mobilized people of faith and conscience across all 50 of the United States, Canada, Australia, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Argentina, Armenia, Belize, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Poland, Puerto Rico, Spain and Uganda.
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