In the Ancient World, sacrifice was essential to religion and a priest was someone who had the right and duty to offer sacrifice. Israel forfeited the office of priesthood after they had sinned by worshiping the Golden Calf in the desert.  After this incident, the priesthood was reserved for the tribe of Levi, whose members had refused to take part in the idolatry.  The Levites were still operating as the Priests in the time of Jesus, offering sacrifices of slaughtered animals, grain, wine and incense.  Supremely important, however, was the first offering of the day.  Once the priests had discerned
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Spectres, Saints and Souls

Millions of Children and Adults  around the Globe,  will celebrate Halloween today, but how many will truly know its origins? Its origins go beyond Spectres, Ghouls and Witches. It had its beginnings in a Christian Holiday known as All Hallows’ Eve.  The Church traditionally held a vigil on All Hallows’ Eve when the faithful would prepare themselves with prayers and fasting, for the big feast day of All Saints. This great feast day was established in 1840 by Pope Gregory IV, to be celebrated on November 1st each year. Around the turn of the first millenium, the Church began to
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“That They May Have Life to the Full”

Here at Family Life International New Zealand, we endeavour to keep our friends and supporters informed about life issues from the moment it begins at conception, through to its natural completion, in the context of Catholic morality and through providing practical help and support. We uphold the dignity of the Human person in its entirety and that includes the spiritual composition of man as a gift given by God, in order that we may know Him, love Him and be happy with Him when our eyes close on this world.  In order to know Him, we must firstly learn of
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