What is the most important thing that we can do at any given moment?
What is it that God is asking of us right now?
How can we choose to follow Him through every single instant of our lives?
The answer, given in this classic attributed to Jesuit Fr. Jean Pierre de Caussade, Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence, is in the title. In the spiritual life, nothing is more valuable to us than letting go of our own wills and surrendering to Divine Providence—which is none other than God’s own will.
This spiritual masterwork contains a plethora of beautiful, penetrating, and deeply moving insights, making it an incredibly rich store of Catholic wisdom.
The ultimate point of Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence is that sanctity can be attained amid our mundane, daily activities. All we require is to perform them with perfect love of God; and this is something that only abandoning oneself to Him can effect. Let this engrossing work guide you through the vicissitudes of ordinary life to an extraordinary union with God in His Divine Providence. You will not be disappointed.
480 pages. Paperback.
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