How They Love Mary


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Could your love and reverence for the Mother of God use a boost? Here’s a powerful 30-day devotional to help you invigorate your love for Our Lady by exploring the many ways in which holy men and women have venerated Mary throughout time. From St. Damian of Molokai to Padre Pio, from St. Francis of Assisi to St. Thomas Aquinas, you’ll learn new ways of honoring Mary that you hadn’t considered previously, and you’ll be heartened toward a holiness and love of God that only these illustrious spiritual teachers can inspire.

Here’s a book that will be of particular value to those who are either beginning their devotion to Our Lady or whose devotion has become stagnant over time.

You’ll learn how St. Kateri Tekakwitha imitated Mary’s life as a consecrated virgin and offered Marian prayers that bore fruit. You’ll explore St. Faustina’s mystical experiences of Mary and how St. Francis de Sales’s depression was healed through Our Lady’s intercession. You’ll also learn how Bishop Fulton Sheen relied on Mary to remain celibate, how St. Thérèse of Lisieux was healed by her smile, and how Mother Angelica would pray the Rosary.

Author Fr. Looney also includes excerpts from the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as a host of exquisite prayers and litanies to Our Lady.

Here’s the single book you need in this life to periodically strengthen your devotion to Our Lady by following the examples of the holy men and women who came before us and on whose shoulders we stand.


Fr. Looney weaves careful research and personal anecdotes together into beautiful biographical portraits that are at once both broad and deep. Simple, accessible, and easy to read, but best savored slowly to appreciate the richness.

Fr. Joel Sember

Our world needs mothering now, and Fr. Looney has dug up the holy graves of saints, mystics, Church Doctors, and Religious to bring us practical aid from the Queen of all mothers. This book will not leave you unchanged.

Kevin Wells

How They Love Mary is a Masterclass in embracing Our Lady in a way never presented before this book. Finally there is one text that captures devotions, prayers, examples, Saints, lessons, reflections, instructions, stories, inspiration, and references all centered on the Holy Mother of God. What Father Edward Looney has assembled is extraordinary.

Liv Harrison

This book will be an impetus for readers to turn to Mary and deepen their appreciation of her, for it echoes in a resounding way the words of Jesus on the cross to the disciple whom he loved: ‘Behold your mother.’

Most Rev. David Bonnar



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