Miraculous Medal Large Blue Enamel – (4.5cm x 2.5cm)


Large Miraculous Medal with a blue enamel
background behind Our Lady.

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This is a really beautiful Miraculous Medal in ‘silver’ with blue enamel background.

The prayer Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee…is written in English and engraved around the circumference of the medal.

The Miraculous medal was made famous by a French Nun, St Catherine Laboure. Our Lady appeared to her and asked that a medal be made and distributed. It became know as the Miraculous Medal due to the amount of miracles wrought by those who wore it with true faith in God and devotion to Our Blessed Mother.

Surrounding the image of Our Lady are the words “Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee“. She intercedes with Her Son for us. After all, it was through Her intercession that Our Lord’s first miracle (the Wedding feast at Cana) was performed.

It is traditionally worn around the neck and is a very popular Catholic Sacramental, but as Mary is the Mother of us all entrusted to us by her Divine Son, it is a gift for all of her children, Catholic and non-Catholic alike.

Certainly synonymous with Catholic…every ‘child’ of Mary (young and old) should wear one to show their love for and devotion to the Mother of God, who leads us to her son.



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