Ciborium Standard 24k Gold Plated


Ciborium, gold, Body and Blood of Christ, precious.

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This is a beautiful Italian-made Ciborium.

A chalice-like vessel used to contain the Blessed Sacrament. The word is thought to have been derived from the Latin word cibus “food” because it is used to contain the Heavenly Bread.

This sacred vessel is used at the most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to contain the Body of Christ, visible to us under the sign of bread – the consecrated Host, which contains the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For centuries it was made of precious material, as is the case with this particular Ciborium.

The precious contents of the Ciborium should be afforded great veneration and as such, the receptacle used for this purpose needs to be fitting.  Hence, the tradition of the Ciborium being formed from precious metal.

The lid that encloses the precious Body of Christ, is decorated with an ornamental cross.

Measures 15cm in height and the cup has a diameter of 11cm.


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