My First Missal (Girl) – Remembrance of First Holy Communion


First Holy Communion, Eucharist, Girl, Missal, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

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This lovely little hard-covered missal is a wonderful memento of the first Holy Communion Day.  It is the gift that keeps on giving, as it leads the young person into and through the greatest prayer there is, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
It contains the Order of The Mass and specially selected Prayers for Communion, Confession and other occasions.  In addition there are  15 coloured  illustrations outlining the signs, symbols and gestures that children will experience during the Mass.  So often, even we adults arrive at Holy Mass and do not fully comprehend the beauty and power of it.  It is more than a Eucharistic celebration, it is the Holy Sacrifice in which we witness and enter into the re-presentation of the Son to the Father.
This little book will help children participate in and become a real part of the wonderful gift Jesus gave us – apart from offering His life for us – He gives us His own Body and Blood in Holy Communion.


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